I Want To Be A Volunteer!

Important! Before completing this form, read the Chatfield Volunteer Position Descriptions and Duties below. Be aware that after you complete this form, you will be required to take a short quiz to be sure you understand all volunteer duties. You are required to complete the quiz even if you are not requesting a marshaling position.

You may download and print the Chatfield Volunteer Position Descriptions and Duties and the map by using the print and download icons at the top of the document. 

Chatfield Volunteer Position Descriptions and Duties

Your Subtitle Goes Here


Map of Marshaling Positions

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Open Positions

Your Subtitle Goes Here
First Name:  
Last Name:  
Email Address:  
Home Phone:  
Mobile Phone:  
Note: Volunteers under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardians signature on their Volunteer Waiver before they can work.
Select "Entire Series" or dates you are available.
Available Dates:
Entire Series

Mar 27
Apr 3
Apr 10
Apr 17
Apr 24
May 1
May 8
May 15 Makeup Rain Date

List of current open positions and a map of marshall positions may be viewed above.

I would be interested in volunteering to work both shifts Yes
Position and Shift Preferred

The position and shift preferred is not guaranteed.
Position and Shifts listed are the current position and shifts available, however may not be available for all weeks. Check the Open Positions report above to see what weeks the shift position you prefer is available.
USAC Number:
Your USAC licence number is required if you are Racing for Free.
If you are volunteering so someone else may race for free, provide their USAC license number.

By checking this box, I have read, understand and agree to the following:

    • That the position and shift I requested is not guaranteed
    • That if all positions for the shift I requested are filled, I will be assigned to another shift or as a Spare
    • That I must sign a standard USAC Volunteer Waiver before working
    • That if I am not able to work my shift I will notify the Volunteer Coordinator as far in advance as possible
    • I understand that any compensation will be paid after the completion of the series