• You must obey all USAC rules and Colorado State Laws. That includes riding to the right of the road and never crossing the centerline.
  • You must know the course. On our website you will find a course map and GPS files that you can use to navigate the course.
  • You must not warm up on the course once the race has started. If a marshal or USAC official sees you, you will be disqualified.
  • You must be aware of other park users, this is an open course. Be courteous, we are guests of Chatfield State Park and must respect all other park users.
  • You are responsible for your own safety. Our marshals and traffic control personnel will do their best to warn you of any vehicle, pedestrian, or bicycle traffic but you are responsible to look both ways when crossing an intersection or coming up to a crosswalk.
  • You must read and understand the Chatfield flyer. The race flyer is now part of our website and it contains all the details you need to know regarding the series. All questions we receive are covered in our flyer, read it and know it before you register. 
  • You must arrive at the park on time and be at the start line on time. If you arrive at the park late due to circumstances not under your control, see us and we will do our best to reschedule your start time, but there are no guarantees.
  • You must pin your bib correctly. Our spotter and timing crew do not have x-ray vision. If they canâ<80><99>t easily see your bib number, they may not be able to give you your time. We have detailed instructions on how and where to pin your bib here.