Chatfield Registration

When using a smart phone, turn your phone sideways (landscape) for a better experience.

Name: NAME
Address 1
Address 2
Zip Code
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Phone:
USAC License Status: LICENSE
Racing Age: AGE
Enter your Email Address:
Select a Category For Your Race
From A Category Group:
Category Groups:
Select a Start Time:
Would you like to purchase a second race, two start times each night? (Additional TBD per night)
To Purchase a 2nd Race
Select a Race Start Time:
If Yes, select your second race start time above and choose a category for your second race below.
Your two start times should be a minimum of 45 minutes apart.
Your second category should not be the same as your first.
Select a Category For Your 2nd Race
From A Category Group:
Category Groups:
If you have a coupon, enter it here:
I understand that if I do not race that I forfeit my entry fee. No refunds for multiple week races, refund for One Day only if there is a weather cancelation. I have reviewed this page and have selected the correct category, number of races and start time for my race.